
Why we get hooked up on TV series


There are two kinds of people in this world, and I’m not talking about typical divisions such as women vs. men or Manchester United vs. Liverpool. I’m talking about TV series vs. movies/films. I must say I am a bit of both; I enjoy them everywhere, on TV, on my computer, at the cinema… I guess I’m a sucker for some fictitious life of any kind. However, I must admit that I’d probably choose to get hooked up on a series and waste hours and hours of my life on it rather than sit still and watch a film for 2 or 3 hours. Now, I know that may not make sense for some of you, so that’s why I’ll try to explain the reasons why people like me exist and make that choice.

Firstly, movies end TOO fast. Whether it’s an action film or a rom-com, WE WANT MORE. We…

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